Product Overview
3M Sales UPC: 50051125857906; 3M 5-Digit Part Number: 85790; 3M Previous Stock Number: 70071658184; 3M Consumer UPC: 00051125857901; 3M Inner UPC: No Data; 3M Shipper UPC: 50051125857906; Ship Container Length: 33.020 (Centimeter); Ship Container Height: 26.352 (Centimeter); Ship Container Width: 24.447 (Centimeter); Ship Container Volume: 21272.387 (Cubic centimeter); Ship Container Weight: 9.161 (Kilogram); Shelf Life: 720 Days; Country of Origin: USA; ECCN Number: EAR99; Harmonizing Code: 3402501100; Transport Protective Service: PROTECTIVE SERVICE NOT REQUIRED; NMFC Item: 048580; NMFC Sub: 00; NMFC Class: 070.0; US DOT, 49 CFR Ground: NOT RESTRICTED, AS PER 49 CFR 173.120 (a)(3); US DOT, 49 CFR Vessel: NOT RESTRICTED, AS PER 49 CFR 173.120 (a)(3); International Air Transport Association (IATA): NOT RESTRICTED, AS PER IATA (a); International Maritime Organization (IMO): NOT RESTRICTED, AS PER IMDG CODE Product Information: 3M™ Glass Cleaner and Protector with Scotchgard™ Protection leaves an invisible layer of protection on glass for easier cleaning after routine use. It reduces fogging on windows and mirrors with repeated use, leaving an attractive shine. Not for direct food contact surfaces, vehicles, aquariums or eyewear. US patent pending. Green Seal™ GS 37 certified.. No data.