Product Overview
3M Sales UPC: 00021200054181; 3M 5-Digit Part Number: 05418; 3M Previous Stock Number: 70006037454; 3M Consumer UPC: No Data; 3M Inner UPC: No Data; 3M Shipper UPC: 50021200054186; Ship Container Length: 0.213 (Meter); Ship Container Height: 0.371 (Meter); Ship Container Width: 0.213 (Meter); Ship Container Volume: 16.832 (Cubic decimeter); Ship Container Weight: 5.677 (Kilogram); Shelf Life: 365 Days; Country of Origin: USA; ECCN Number: EAR99; Harmonizing Code: 4811411000; Transport Protective Service: PROTECTIVE SERVICE NOT REQUIRED; NMFC Item: 154360; NMFC Sub: 02; NMFC Class: 070.0; US DOT, 49 CFR Ground: NOT REGULATED; US DOT, 49 CFR Vessel: NOT REGULATED; International Air Transport Association (IATA): NOT REGULATED; International Maritime Organization (IMO): NOT REGULATED. Product Information: 3M™ Heavy Duty Protective Tape 346 is a natural colored flat stock paper tape to preserve product value by protecting surfaces on a variety of metals, plastics and other materials from abrasion and moisture for extended periods of time..
Also available in an 18 inch roll
Application Ideas:

Also available in an 18 inch roll
- Protection of boat deck and interior cabin surfaces during building, finishing and refurbishing
- Steel tank protection during fabrication and welding
- Protection of aircraft parts and surfaces (e.g., wings, windows, etc.) during maintenance, storage shipping
- Indoor and outdoor protection of metals and plastics
- Protection of materials in transit from abrasion damage caused by movement within shipping containers (e.g., outdoor motors)