3M Sales UPC: 00021200069093; 3M 5-Digit Part Number: 06909; 3M Previous Stock Number: 70950128010; 3M Consumer UPC: 00021200069093; 3M Inner UPC: No Data; 3M Shipper UPC: 50021200069098; Ship Container Length: 26.200 (Centimeter); Ship Container Height: 18.800 (Centimeter); Ship Container Width: 16.800 (Centimeter); Ship Container Volume: 8275.008 (Cubic centimeter); Ship Container Weight: 1.792 (Kilogram); Shelf Life: No Data; Country of Origin: Taiwan; ECCN Number: EAR99; Harmonizing Code: 8205595560; Transport Protective Service: PROTECTIVE SERVICE NOT REQUIRED; NMFC Item: 175120; NMFC Sub: 08; NMFC Class: 085.0; US DOT, 49 CFR Ground: NOT REGULATED; US DOT, 49 CFR Vessel: NOT REGULATED; International Air Transport Association (IATA): NOT REGULATED; International Maritime Organization (IMO): NOT REGULATED. Product Information: Scotch® Box Sealing Tape Dispenser H128 is a compact, heavy-duty steel dispenser designed for box and carton sealing. This compact dispenser gives you a quick and easy method for dispensing pressure sensitive tape directly from the roll..
Lightweight and portable, this hand-held taping tool is adaptable to on-the-spot applications such as box, carton and case sealing and dozens of other needs. The Scotch® H128 will hold rolls up to 2 inch/48 mm in width on a 3-inch/76.2 mm core. Our compact design delivers tighter, more precise tape sealing than larger dispensers. In addition to sealing, it can be used for combining, reinforcing, and bundling operations.
Don't Tape Without One!
Our hand-held tape dispensers are an essential tool wherever products are processed, repackaged, or prepared for distribution. Warehouses, industrial plants, e-commerce shipping operations, and retail distribution outlets are just a few of the places you will find these tools. In addition to box sealing, they can be called into use for combining, reinforcing, bundling, and other operations. A hand-held box sealer can be found in a weight and size for nearly every production requirement.